Nordunet3 Project Applications

Guidelines and Forms for Project Applications

There are two documents that are crucial when preparing a project application for Nordunet3:

  • Nordunet3 Programme Memorandum (PDF). The Programme Memorandum describes the objectives of the Nordunet3 programme, the kind of activities that may be supported, the areas of research the may be suported, and the criteria used when evaluating project proposals.
  • Nordunet3 Instructions for Applicants (PDF). The Instructions for Applicants provides details on the format of project proposals, and how, where, and when to submit proposals. Note that project proposals should be submitted electronically, with a single, full copy submitted in paper. The Instructions for Applicants also provides details on how to complete the application forms, and on all additional material required for the project proposal.

There are two forms that must be completed and submitted with a Nordunet3 project Proposal:

  • Nordunet Application Form (Microsoft Word). This is the main application form for project proposals. The document should be downloaded and edited to supply the required details.
  • Detailed Budget Form (Microsoft Excel). This Excel file should be downloaded and edited to supply the required details. Note that the form has two tabs: one for the overall budget for the proposed project, and one for annual budget for each staff member of the project.

Once completed, both forms should be submitted electronically with the project proposal. In addition, a single copy must be printed and submitted on paper.

For convenience, the complete set of documents can be downloaded as a single ZIP file.